Vic Mensa Reveals Celebrity Crush, Biggest Dating Pet Peeve & More on Speed Dating | Billboard News

Rapper, singer and actor Vic Mensa tells Billboard about his childhood celebrity crush, dating pet peeve, favorite movie and more on this episode on Speed Dating.

Tetris Kelly:
All right. If you want to get to know my man, Vic Mensa … well, we’re gonna go into Speed Date! where are you from? What’s your sign?

Vic Mensa:

Tetris Kelly:
OK, so now you gotta tell me … do you feel like you get a bad reputation? I’m a Gemini too.

Vic Mensa:
I feel like Gemini is the dopest sign.

Tetris Kelly:
But you never had any problems with the ladies because of it?

Vic Mensa:
No, they run away.

Tetris Kelly:
OK, I was about to say. You got to be honest with me. People run in a different direction.

OK, what’s a dating pet peeve for you? Like, what’s something that will make you completely stop?

Vic Mensa:

Tetris Kelly:
I mean, thirstiness can be viewed as a positive thing, but you said they too thirsty …

Vic Mensa:
Who said being thirsty was a positive? Nobody ever got told, “You thirsty.” And they’re like, “Thank you!”

Tetris Kelly:
I guess if we put it that way.

What was your dream job as a kid?

Vic Mensa:
To be a rapper.

Tetris Kelly:
Celebrity crush?

Vic Mensa:
No comment.

Tetris Kelly:
Oh, come on! There’s a comment.

Vic Mensa:
Halle Berry.

Tetris Kelly:
What’s your favorite movie?

Vic Mensa:
Halle Berry. Swordfish.

Tetris Kelly:
Of course, that’s your answer. Man, thank you so much.

Watch the full video above!

