Jason Mraz Reflects on the Success of ‘I’m Yours,’ Discusses His New Album & More | Billboard News

Jason Mraz reflects on the success of his hit song “I’m Yours” 15 years after its release, talks about his new album ‘The Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride,’ making pop music for 40-year-olds and more!

Katie Bain
What advice would you give to that guy now, knowing what you now?

Jason Mraz
Oh, gosh, just relax. You don’t need the tramp stamp. Hey, what’s up? I’m Jason Mraz and this is Billboard News.

Katie Bain
Hello, I’m Katie Bain this is Billboard News and we are here with the legend Jason Mraz, the legend.

Jason Mraz
Wow I’m a legend?

Katie Bain
Truly a legend.

Jason Mraz
Thanks Katie.

Katie Bain
About to become more legendary because you are releasing a new album. And I’m not gonna lie. I’m just gonna read this off the cue card because it’s a bit of a mouthful: ‘Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride.’

Jason Mraz
Yeah, that’s the new album.

Katie Bain
I feel that there’s probably a lot intertwined in the title itself. So just unpack that for me to start.

Jason Mraz
It comes from a lyric inside the album. For me, it sums up life. I want to be mystified by life because I don’t know what’s going on. And so the album addresses life, and how to stay awake and enjoy the ride.

Katie Bain
I really love this album. And it’s beautiful, and it’s smart. And I was intrigued by sort of the framing of it as pop music for people in their 40s. How does this album reflect your age and your experiences?

Watch the full interview above!

Stefanie Tanaka
